NuGrowth Solutions, a leading sales and marketing as a service organization specializing in business development, customer relationship management, and digital marketing, today announced it has joined the Act-On Partner Exchange (APEX) as an agency partner. NuGrowth Solutions will use Act-On as its exclusive marketing automation tool across all of its accounts. The partnership will give NuGrowth an increased ability to make positive market impressions and further extend marketing automation to the Fortune Five Million.
“Having a partner like NuGrowth Solutions, who understands the underlying technology, has domain and industry knowledge, and marketing know-how, is valuable to our partner ecosystem and the ability to better service our customers,” said Atri Chatterjee, CMO of Act-On Software.
Because NuGrowth already has strong disciplines in sales, CRM, and content creation, moving to a robust marketing automation platform that allows creation of more sophisticated campaigns and detailed reporting was a logical next step for the NuGrowth team.
“We’ve seen overwhelming increases in open and interaction rates since moving to Act-On,” said Kate Gluck, Director of Marketing for NuGrowth Solutions. “We started out initially only using the tool for NuGrowth Solutions, Strategic Insurance Software – which is under the same management as NuGrowth – and a few other clients. In the six months since we switched tools, we’ve experienced a 33% increase in open rates and twice the interaction rate.”
Because NuGrowth is the parent company of Strategic Insurance Software, it experienced the benefits of Act-On earlier than many of NuGrowth’s other clients.
“We are a software as a service company, so we were already aware of the power cloud-based data management tools provide,” said Alex Deak, CEO. “The results we’ve experienced since NuGrowth’s integration of and Act-On have surpassed our expectations. Better insight has led to better messaging and consequently more effective online interactions with our clients and prospects.”
Concludes Deak, “Act-On helps guide our sales process by giving us the ability to track how prospects interact with our website and email marketing content. It allows us to provide more value to our prospects and clients by enabling us to better understand their interaction with our content and reach out accordingly.”