Top Tips for Hitting Sales Quotas in 2020

As we end month six of the coronavirus outbreak, businesses are shifting from immediate responses to long-term planning. With everyone adapted to a new safer work environment, development teams are turning to questions like, “Will we be hitting sales quotas?” and “Are our old goals still relevant?”.

McKinsey is covering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on business and found the crisis has affected business travel, accelerated automation and digitization, and changed the global workforce almost overnight. A PwC CFO survey found business leaders are planning for permanent change with findings like:

  • 63% of CFOs plan changes to products and services
  • 41% of CFOs look to alter pricing
  • 54% of CFOs plan to make remote work a permanent option
  • 32% of CFOs are very confident in their company’s ability to identify new revenue opportunities

Are you confident in your team’s ability to pivot and reach your sales goals? No matter where you are in the process, these steps can help you move forward with assurance.

1. Get feedback

First, talk to your team. See how they feel and understand what they need to do their best work in a still uncertain time. Next, talk to your customers. Their pain points, ideal scenarios, budgets, and abilities to use your product or service have likely changed dramatically over the past month. It’s time to go back to day one of data gathering and analysis to understand your customers and the new world they inhabit.

2. Adjust your goals

Once you know what your customers want and what they can afford, you need to change your goals accordingly. Maybe that means more contracts for smaller amounts or a total shift in which KPIs matter. No matter what changes you make, ensure you keep the long term in mind while setting achievable short-term benchmarks.

3. Adapt, adapt, and adapt again

You have likely experienced some rapid change in your operations since March. Know that it will change again. This is a new moment in history, and no one is sure how each stage will pan out. Change what you expect from your employees, your workflows, your customers, and be ready to adapt it again as we continue to adjust.

4. Lead like you mean it

Uncertain times demand certain leadership. Show strength, optimism, and honesty to your team. Up your communication to stay connected with people and keep the lines open. But don’t try to go it alone. Have a small group of people to filter questions and meet one-on-one with team members. Everyone, including those leading, need extra support these days. Model that support for your team.

5. Call for back up

Crises hit each business differently, and some may hit harder than others. If you find yourself over your head when it comes to adapting, it’s time to bring in back-up.

Our NuGrowth team is poised to pivot and helped dozens of businesses navigate changes via online and in-person tactics. Our wealth and depth of knowledge mean we can adapt to almost any disruption and can help your businesses manage, too.

Get in touch to find out how our team can guide you through adjusting your sales strategy, prepping your team, and enacting data-driven outreach techniques to reach your 2020 sales goals. Give us a call at 800-966-3051 or contact us here.

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