Organizations have one of two experiences with Salesforce: immediate satisfaction or extreme frustration. The differentiating factor between these experiences is the level of Salesforce support. Companies that implement correctly, regularly refresh their system, and invest in reliable support see the benefits of their Salesforce system hundreds of times over.
If you’re reading this post, you probably don’t fall into the “Salesforce success story” category. But it’s not too late to join. No matter where you are in your Salesforce journey, you can get out of your frustration and despair.
If you’re yet to implement your Salesforce system, you’re in the ideal spot. Get yourself set-up for success by:
- Allocating resources. Up to 40% of SMEs say they lack the resources to implement a CRM. You need time and resources (i.e., a dedicated team) to start out with a system you and your team understand and can use in the way you need.
- Focusing on data. Data cleansing and proper mapping are critical to your overall success. Do it well or face the consequences later.
- Training your team. Provide adequate, targeted training to each department and individual. For the best results, you need more than a one-off tutorial. Identify stakeholders in each department as a continual resource for the inevitable questions that will come once people start using the system.
- Customizing at the right level. Stay away from the extremes of adding every customization you can see or using an out-of-the-box, “as is” version of Salesforce. Be thoughtful about your customizations, including thinking through why you need them and getting training on each.
If you’re already in the thick of things with your Salesforce usage, don’t despair – there is still hope for you! Refresh your system with:
- Targeted dashboards. Dashboards are the hallmark of Salesforce and should be tailored to individuals based on roles. You need to spend time thinking about your dashboards and crafting them so they give the right people the right data in the right way.
- Data cleansing. For many businesses, bad data is at the heart of their problem. A one-time clean-up won’t do it. You need regular cleanings to ensure data is up-to-date, complete, and non-redundant.
- Synced systems. The power of Salesforce is its ability to leverage data, so the more you give it, the better. Your Salesforce system is where you can connect all your data in one place. Sync it up with your accounting, marketing automation, and customer service systems, among others.
On-Going Support
On-going support is one area every organization needs, regardless of where you are in the Salesforce process. Whether in-house or outsourced, you need:
- Continued education and training. As we said before, one-off training won’t do it. Your business needs a targeted person or team to train and re-train when you add new customizations, get an update, or hire a new team member. Education is a never-ending job and a vital to helping you use Salesforce effectively.
- Targeted data tracking and analysis. Data is the lifeblood of your system, and analysis is the nerve center. Your data is useless if it’s just sitting in your system, churned out in graphs. You need a dedicated team to help you understand what your data means and how to interpret it for action.
- Dedicated data monitoring. To keep your data clean and usable, you need a team to track it. This team should consistently scrub data and ensure its being entered regularly.
Need Help?
With dedicated time and resources, your Salesforce system can unlock all kinds of opportunities for your business. However, you may discover your team isn’t equipped to put in the dedication needed. That’s where NuGrowth Solutions and our Salesforce services step in.
Whether you need implementation expertise, a refresh of your system, or on-going, full-time support, our team brings 10+ years as a Salesforce partner to fit your needs.
Discover more about our Salesforce services. Get in touch at 614.304.3922 or fill out this simple contact form to bring your firm long-term solutions.