Make Your Sales Results More Effective in 2019

As you prepare and strategize in the New Year, you may be asking yourself “How do I ensure I hit my sales goals?” Achieving the results you want involves work in many areas – sales, strategy, business partnerships, market development, account management, business expansion, and marketing. As you can see, there are a lot of moving parts.

It’s difficult to close new deals while also managing your current accounts, strategizing sales efforts, creating new partnerships, and developing sales enablement content – what you need is specialization, so you can focus on what you do best, closing more deals! In today’s fast-paced business environment, change is constant and reaching buyers is becoming more and more challenging – which means specialization is more important than ever. First, you should start by defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Setting Your KPIs

Key Performance Indicators are measurable results that show how your team is performing. Setting specific KPIs enables you to track results in ways that help you make real-time adjustments. If for example, your meeting to opportunity rate is low, knowing those metrics can help you to adjust your sales strategies in that area.

KPIs also allow you to spot problems earlier than if you rely on sales data to gauge your performance. Results are important, but you can’t “manage” results. However, you can track and manage the activity of your people in order to achieve those results.

NuGrowth Sales by the Numbers

We created an infographic, NuGrowth Sales by the Numbers, to show our average KPIs and results we’ve provided our clients. These numbers are used as benchmarks for you to compare your results too and see how you’re performing to achieve the results you want. It’s essential for you to have discipline in how you’re going to get those results rather than the chaos of all the moving sales parts.


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Partner Effectively

This year, be ready to accommodate to change to achieve the best results. NuGrowth Sales as a Service arms your team with specialized business development and standard practices and principles focused on working with B2B organizations to provide you with the results you’re looking for.

Interested in learning more about outsourcing to Sales as a Service? Give us a call at 800.966.3051 or fill out our simple contact form.

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