Lead Scoring for Better Conversion

by | Mar 4, 2014 | Act-On, CRM Management, Lead Generation, Marketing Automation, Salesforce | 0 comments

As mentioned in a previous post, two NuGrowth team members, Paul Fuller and Chuck Rue recently took part in an Act-On sponsored webinar “Lead Scoring: The Science of Sales Conversion.” In conjunction with the webinar, Fuller was asked to write a guest blog post for Act-On on the science of lead scoring.

As the title implies, his post 6 Lead Scoring Lessons for Better Lead Conversion, which can be seen in full on the Act-On website, offers six key bits of advice:

  • Leadership buy-in to a lead scoring approach is critical.
  • Sales & marketing are NOT separate.
  • Prompt delivery of leads, and well-timed follow-up, is crucial.
  • It’s critical to keep sales educated about campaigns.
  • Duplicates are a killer.
  • Score the whole sales cycle!

Want to learn more? Read the full post or  Watch the on-demand webinar, “Lead Scoring: The Science of Sales Conversion.”