Feeding the Content Beast Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

It’s that time of year again—time for haunted houses, trick-or-treating, and pumpkin spice everything. It’s also a great time to talk about content marketing. Content marketing is a proven strategy for growing business, which is why 69% of the most effective B2B Marketers have a dedicated content marketing group in their organization.[i]

Nevertheless, some companies are frightened by the idea of “feeding the content beast.” It’s understandable—producing a consistent output of fresh content that your audience loves may sound like a difficult task. Fortunately, applying a few simple principles can make creating great content more of a treat than a trick.

  1. Make sure you know your audience. The first step to creating great content is to discover what your audience wants to know (the next step is finding a creative way to share it with them).
  2. Talk to your team—your sales team, that is. No one is more aware of your target’s interests and preferences. Stay in close touch to keep updated with topics that will resonate.
  3. Stick to your plan. A content calendar that maps your marketing material to your audience’s buy cycle will help your content go farther.
  4. Get social. Use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to discover what’s being talked about. Before long, you’ll find questions that aren’t being answered—there’s your next topic.
  5. Stay focused. If you feel the need to say everything in one piece, you’ll run out of ideas pretty quickly. Plan to cover one topic thoroughly, not to touch on everything at once.

If you follow these steps and focus on what your audience wants to know, you’ll discover that feeding the content beast isn’t that scary after all. Or, partner with a company that loves making content—like NuGrowth Solutions. To find out how we can help grow your business with great content marketing, contact the NuGrowth team at 800-966-3051 or fill out a contact form and we will be in touch.

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