Cold start for the New Year? Rethink your sales process.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Are you a CEO or VP of Sales looking at your 2012 forecast and wondering how you’ll get there?

If so, you are not alone – particularly if new business development has consistently taken a back seat to the seemingly more urgent functions that go hand in hand with running a business and left your pipeline all but non-existent. This is a scenario we see often and is the reason most of our clients hire us.

We call it a cold start.

Cold start

A cold start goes beyond anemic new sales and a weak pipeline of opportunities (these should be looked on as the symptoms, not the problem) to include a general lack of structure, process and training. When you really analyze the business processes and identify the “constraints” that are holding the organization back, the root cause for the sluggish sales lies with a lack of commitment to maintaining the resources and capabilities necessary to grow.

Optimally, you should be looking at ways to sustain and build your business through a diversified approach that includes growing and supporting existing clients, while at the same time building new client relationships. Remember. No matter how good your client relationships are, attritition is a fact of life. There are many reasons clients leave, and only so many of those you have control over. Without that pipeline of new opportunities, a “flat” year can go bad fast.

On the path to success

Because NuGrowth as an organization is 100% focused on new business acquisition, we have the means and the expertise get beyond that cold start far more quickly than most.

In less than 45 days we can implement a structure, process, methodology and discipline for both sales and marketing.

This includes:

  • Hiring a team,
  • Training,
  • Implementing a CRM tightly integrated with an effective territory management program,
  • Building all dashboards to measure key metrics every day, and
  • Contacting prospects and actively building a pipeline in the first 45 days.

Partner effectively

There is nothing easy about building an effective new business development organization, but with the right partner you can get there.

If you experiencing a frigid start to the new year and are interested in exploring how NuGrowth Solutions’ Sales, Marketing and CRM capabilities can help warm things up then give us a call at (800) 966-3051 or fill out a short contact form and we’ll be in touch.

About NuGrowth

A team of innovative, seasoned business development professionals passionately committed to increasing your client base through outsourced marketing and sales services, NuGrowth Solutions helps grow your business by building and leading results-oriented sales teams and implementing end-to-end programs dedicated exclusively to new business acquisition.

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