Hunt to Win

Web based LeadGen tools are extremely useful for adding prospects to the top of the funnel, but does that mean cold calling is dead?  Not even close. In fact recent research demonstrated that faster growing sales organizations used cold calling as one of their primary methods of prospecting.

In his recent Sales Blog post, The Advantage of a Hunter Culture, S. Anthony Iannarino makes the case that not only do faster growing sales organizations cold call, the sales people that work for these companies have to do the hunting – they are responsible for generating their own leads.   He was quick to point out that this does NOT mean that other LeadGen efforts shouldn’t be used to supplement their efforts, only that the fact that they have some skin in the game themselves leads to greater success in the form of opportunity creation.

A sales organization that has a hunter culture produces more opportunities. Hunters produce more opportunities within their existing client base, and they produce more opportunities through new client acquisition. And growth is found through opportunity creation.”

Don’t think you have time to hunt? Let NuGrowth not only hunt but implement our entire New Business Development process for you. We’ll initiate contact, develop business relationships and work to close. Each NuGrowth client benefits from a dedicated Inside Sales Executive or team of Inside Sale Executives totally dedicated to new client acquisition on their behalf.

If you are interested in working with a partner you can trust to grow business, please give us a call at 800-966-3051 or fill out a short contact form and we’ll be in touch soon.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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