Did you know that there are 6,586,013,574 internet searches a day worldwide, according to Net Market Share? That’s a lot, and you need to somehow make sure that your company’s website can be found amongst all of it.

The key to accomplishing this is applying the proper search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to your site. SEO is a marketing tactic that helps your website get noticed in organic (non-paid) search engine results.

Many people think this means just putting all of the right keywords affiliated with your product or service somewhere in your site and hoping it gets found in a search. However, it goes deeper than that, and a proper understanding of how to write great SEO content will help your site stand out and bring in more traffic.

Here are some answers to a few common SEO questions that can help you make sure your website is found online.

What is the most difficult part of writing great SEO content?

Like any good marketing content, you need to pinpoint your target audience well, identify their problems and pain points, and provide a solution. The more helpful you can be, the better.

Does an extensive knowledge of how search engines work give someone an advantage when writing?

You need to get the technical things right (like writing compliant code and using title tags) but the most important thing is creating great content. Without great content, it doesn’t matter how well you do the technical parts of SEO.

What should someone really focus on when crafting the content for their site?

Don’t think too much about Google. You need to have gotten the basics of technical SEO right, but the most important thing is solving the problems your audience has and answering their questions while using the kind of language they’d use in a Google search.

What is the biggest mistake someone can make when writing?

Not seeing things from your audience’s perspective. Seeing things through your audience’s eyes will help you identify the kind of content you should create and what language to use.

How does someone decide which keywords are the right ones?

It’s more important to find the keywords/phrases that are specific to the traffic you want on your website, even if fewer people are searching them than more popularly searched keywords. Often a good place to start when targeting keywords are “long tail” searches. (A long tail search is one that includes around 3-4 or more words.) These searches will be less competitive from an SEO perspective, and reveal a lot about the searcher’s intent – helping you make sure you’re reaching out to the right people.

Should you study your competitors to see how they are writing for their sites?

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on what kind of content your competitors are producing. You don’t want to copy them, though. Look for opportunities to make new content that fills the holes they haven’t.

What are good signs of quality content and success?

People want to share it and tell other people about it. The ultimate goal is often to get people to make a purchase or fill out a form on your site, but a great intermediate goal is getting people to share your content on social media and link to it on their sites.

What steps can you take to improve your content once you’ve seen some results?

As with any marketing program, periodically reflect on what’s worked and what hasn’t. If, for instance, you look back on your marketing from the past six months and see a piece of content that’s getting lots of search traffic, see if you can produce more content on that same topic.

How can you learn more?

If you want to hear more about how NuGrowth can help you with SEO, contact us now at 800-966-3051 or fill out this quick contact form.